好的赌博软件推荐成立于125年前, the University has been preparing some of the most sought-after educators in the region for more than 90 years. 今天,进入教育学院的研究生课程竞争非常激烈. Faculty members — each teaching his or her own courses 和 each holding a doctorate — have worked to develop rigorous 项目 of quality.
好的赌博软件推荐教育学院提供十多个研究生项目. 你可以从三个博士项目中选择, 7个硕士学位项目, 还有五个认证项目, 所有这些都集中在能力的发展上, 字符, 领导, 以及教育工作者的服务. 而许多学生接受培训成为教师, 其他人则准备担任学校辅导员, 校长, 负责人, 民政事务处人员, 或者是高等教育的教授. SPU在华盛顿和全国的P-12教育中享有很高的声誉, students who complete our graduate degree 和 certificate 项目 enjoy a higher rate of employment than the state’s average.
基于国家教育领导力准备(NELP)标准, the 管理员认证 program at SPU emphasizes the knowledge 和 技能 you will need for district-level administrative assignments in the P–12 school setting, 比如督学, 副院长室, 副警司及助理警司, 导演, 类似的角色. 监督员认证项目可获得华盛顿行政人员证书, seasoned professionals — using their cumulative experience spanning a variety of educational levels 和 positions — get you there. 除了, adjunct senior-level administrators complement the regular faculty 和 provide contemporary relevance to the program.
Earn the 管理员认证 in this st和-alone program or with the Doctor of Education (EdD) degree by selecting the Executive Leadership specialization option when applying, in which you can receive your EdD 和 superintendent certification in just three years — instead of the typical four to five years.
- 完成教师
专家,有爱心的教师有帮助学生成功的愿望. 教师以在他们的教育项目期间和之后指导他们的学生而闻名. 这些教授通过自己的学术活动为终身学习树立了榜样, 经常发布, 并在专业会议上发表演讲.
- AACU会员
西雅图 Pacific is a member of the Association of American Colleges 和 Universities 和 of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. SPU认证项目由华盛顿州专业教育标准委员会批准. 的 教育学院 is also a member of the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education, 有一章, 等于, Chi Sigma Iota, 一个国际荣誉协会,重视学术和专业卓越的咨询.
- 深刻的性格强调
建立在品格教育的基础上, the graduate 项目 at SPU offer first-class education through the lens of Christian faith 和 values. 学生选修道德课程,品格问题贯穿整个课程.
- 灵活的格式
专为专业人士设计, coursework 和 field experiences in the 管理员认证 program are based on a convenient, 为期两年的队列模式,允许您在继续工作的同时上课.
- 联系校友
教育学院 graduates move on to purposeful careers in schools 和 district-level 领导 throughout the country. 当你从SPU教育学院获得研究生学位时, 你加入了一个校友社区,他们保持着联系.
EdD +总监认证-行政领导专业
You can earn your EdD 和 管理员认证 at SPU in just three years — instead of the typical four to five years. 该课程将最佳领导实践与有效利用教育政策和研究相结合.
While both the 管理员认证 program 和 the School Executive Leadership program prepare educational leaders, 只有监督员认证项目才能获得华盛顿行政人员证书. 那些持有教师先决条件的学生, 欧洲航天局, CTE or principal certificate should enroll in the 管理员认证 program to be eligible for the Washington Initial Superintendent Certificate. Students who do not hold a teaching certificate should enroll in the School Executive Leadership program. Applicants must have a minimum of two years of building or district level administrative experience prior to acceptance into the program.
“当你从SPU出来的时候,你知道自己是一个什么样的领导者. 你不仅要应付管理一个地区的技术问题, 还有道德和伦理问题. You are challenged to put your own ego on the shelf 和 lead with a servant's heart 和 always mindful of your 领导 legacy."
桑迪 completed the superintendent certification in 2014 和 has since served in Assistant Superintendent positions in WA state. 目前,她在汤森港担任临时督学.