What’s happening at SPU? This is where you’ll find the latest news about research, 事件, 活动, 成就, and milestones in the life of SPU and its people.

Dr. Christopher Jones and a young patient

Holistic 健康 Care in the Rainier Valley

Dr. 94岁的克里斯托弗·琼斯希望在他的医疗实践中,家庭永远不需要问:“我的孩子病得严重到我应该付钱去看医生吗??” Medical director of HopeCentral, a nonprofit health center, 他和他的团队已经将礼宾医疗的概念应用到多样化的西雅图社区.

Assistant Professor of Philosophy Leland Saunders

What Makes Us Moral?

哲学助理教授利兰·桑德斯挣了10美元,100 Graves Award in Humanities for his research project, 《好的赌博软件推荐》.他的研究回应了最近的观点,即人类的道德概念只是进化的一个怪癖,与任何更深层次的东西没有联系.